I’m Lisbeth, a natural light photographer who specialises in pet photography. I’ve got a big passion for animals, especially dogs!
My own furry family consists of two beautiful black Labradors, Lilly and Freya. As a photographer, my aim is to capture the personality of the furry member(s) of your family.

“Continued education and mentoring for photographers is incredibly important for continued growth and improvement. Lisbeth has always recognised this and after attending our pet photography workshop in France in 2017, started an ongoing mentorship with me, despite me being half a world away here in Australia. I look forward to our live monthly video calls and am always blown away with how Lisbeth continues to improve her work – refining, perfecting and expanding her skills further each time. She has the special ability to take constructive criticism on board and feel uplifted and motivated – her enthusiasm for creating beautiful images of dogs is contagious! It’s such a pleasure and privilege to mentor this talented, dedicated and hardworking petphotographer and I eagerly anticipate our next in-person catchup. Thank you for being my number one student, Lisbeth!”
Charlotte Reeves, September 2020